90-Day Exit Strategy Cohort

Uh oh, you missed this one. We’re opening another cohort soon!

Join our 3-month group program for LGBTQ+ folks moving abroad.

Get it done together in 90 days

  • Practical action.

  • An expert coach.

  • Built-in Community.

Stop wondering. Start doing. Let’s do it together!

Instead of tackling an overseas move solo, partner up a small group of LGBTQ+ individuals preparing for relocation together and get 9 hours of customized consulting via bi-weekly live workshops, and 24/7 chat, text, and email access for the entire 90 days.

What you’ll get

  • 90 Days

    In 90 days, you will go from a dream to reality, and you’ll take significant action toward your move within the first week. By the end of the 90 days, you’ll actually be in the middle of the relocation process.

  • 13 weeks

    Over the course of 13 weeks, you will have practical, action-based tasks to keep you on track at a rational pace to get through all the challenges of relocation together.

  • 6 Workshops

    Every other week you will have a full 90-minute workshop on important key themes of moving abroad with Jess, together with your fellow cohort members. This will include up to 30 minutes of personal Q&A time to get your questions answered.

  • 24/7 community

    All cohort members will be added to a special WhatsApps chat to talk to each other, ask questions aboul weekly tasks, and form bonds with folks in the exact same boat as you! Your coach will also be in the chat and answer questions at least once per day.

  • 11 fellow expats

    The cohort is open only to 12 future expats, and this will be your team and fellow community. The process of moving abroad can feel challenging, and finding answers for queer and trans folks can sometimes require a team effort. This is your team!

  • 9 Instruction Hours

    Over the course of the 13 weeks, you’ll have six 90-minute sessions, which totals 9 hours learning and getting assistance from Jess. For perspective, 9 hours of private consulting would cost you $1665 ($185 per private hour) and that is without the clear cut tasks, 24/7 access and community of fellow future expats.

Weekly breakdown

Week 1: Discovering Your Why

Live Workshop: Welcome session with an overview of what life is like as an expat abroad, exercises to discover what you are truly looking for with your move abroad, and how to be realistic about your future expat life. You’ll get an overview of a realistic relocation process, as well.

Objective: Define your motivations and envision a truly practical picture of your desired lifestyle abroad

Week 2: Understanding the Global LGBTQ+ Landscape.

This week, you’ll continue exploring the basics of relocation, create your own move-abroad checklist, and begin researching LGBTQ+ safe countries in order to get clarity on your move abroad.

Week 4: Choosing Your Destination

Select 1-2 countries based on research and personal preferences.

Task: Define reasons for choosing specific countries, and start to get a specific checklist of necessary steps to take action to relocate.

Week 5: Exploring Visa Options

Live Workshop: Get an overview of the various visa types and application processes. A longer Q&A will get specific on cohort members specific needs.

Objective: Research visa requirements for your chosen countries.

Week 8: Financial Preparedness

Live Workshop: learn about banking, finances and taxes, abroad. This isn’t financial advice, but rather how expats tend to move their money around and deal with income earned abroad. You’ll learn how to guestimate cost of living and learn common mistakes expats make.

Objective: Understand the cost of living and financial considerations in your target countries.

Week 10: Building Community Abroad

Live Workshop: Learn strategies for pre-connecting with a supportive network, including the LGBTQ+ community.

You are going to start making friends and creating a network abroad so that you have a safe-landing once you arrive. The world is actually small and super connected once you take these steps!

Week 12: Finalizing your timeline

Objective: Create a clear timeline and goals to make your move abroad happen. You’ll also receive a helpful sheet on planning a scouting trip to your target country and what to once you are there!

Week 6: Being Queer Abroad

Live Workshop: Discuss safety, healthcare access, finding community and cultural integration for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Understand queer culture, queer acceptance, queer issues and intercultural nuances between queer life at home and abroad.

Week 3: Understanding your economic and professional value

Live Workshop: Understand visa types and eligibility criteria.

Task: Explore income options abroad, including retirement, remote work and entrepreneurship.

Week 7: Narrowing Down Cities / Regions

Identify preferred cities or regions within your selected countries, and how that might affect your lifestyle.

Optional Workshop*: Explore international school options if you have a family. (this will be by request based on who is a part of the cohort - included in fee).

Week 9: Organizing Paperwork

By now, you know where you are moving and the steps it takes to get there. Now we are going to talk abot all the important paperwork it takes to make it happen, and the little nuances and mistakes that people make that set their application process back.

Objective: Prepare the necessary documents for visa applications and relocation.

Week 11: On the Home Front

Live Workshop: How To Close Up Shop At Home.
You’re not just moving abroad, you’re also wrapping up a whole life at home. So, what does that look like? What should you do? What do you keep? Throw away? Where do you get mail sent to?

Objective: Plan for managing your belongings, subscriptions, and family needs.

Week 13: Sharing your plans

Live Workshop: We’ll wrap up the entire cohort experience, and each cohort member can talk about their final plans for their move abroad. We all want to know your plans and keep in touch throughout the process moving forward!

Closing Conversations: Reflect on your journey, celebrate your achievements and ask your final questions to coach Jess and the whole group.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

I’m excited to work together!

This is a much deeper and more profound way than any other consulting option we offer.

You’re not only getting expert presentations and weekly tasks to keep your momentum going and staying on track

You’re getting a full group of fellow queer expats looking to accomplish the same goal, at the same time.

On top of that, you cant chat the group any time and I’ll respond to emails and WhatsApps within 24 hours, as well.

Your whole group will be online to give advice, get excited together, and share their struggles with, too.

This is only for those who are ready to actually create a fully planned out, ready to execute strategy!

Want more info?
Need to talk through this first?
No problem! Reach out here, and we’ll set something up.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Then this is the perfect way to figure that out. We will look at your personal factors and help you figure out what country is the most likely spot where you'll be able to get a visa and feel happy and settled abroad!

  • Yes! One of the more difficult things about finding real, true current info on trans life abroad is that it is hard to find. Together with Jess, you'll hunt that all down together and do whatever it takes to get the info you need. It's all part of the deal!

  • You can, yes! We center the experiences, questions and issues of queer and trans folks, but the entire step by step process is the same and you'l l get all the benefits of that. You just have to be ready to actually take action steps to move abroad.

  • That depends. This is a big investment in your time, your efforts, you will be working hard and getting a true plan in place. If you truly want an exit strategy that you 'could' put into place whenever, then this would completely get you that. However, we expect the cohort to all be motivated and hopefully, participate and make strong connections!

  • Reach out to me. I want to make this accessible to you. Let's chat about sliding scale options.

    The price is high because of the amount of work and the transformation you'll get, plus all the access to the private coaching in the cohort.

  • We'll probably do our second cohort starting in mid-November through February 2025. Reach out to jess@rainbowrelo.com to be put on a waitlist.