Connect with LGBTQ+ expats and immigrants living around the world in our free Facebook community.
Queer Expats Worldwide
Join our growing community…it’s free!
Calling all expats… whether you are looking to move abroad for the first time, are already an expat or even considering a move home, if you are LGBTQ+ and internationally minded, our free Facebook group is a safe space to connect with Queer Expats Worldwide.
We are adding 200-500 new expats every week! Join us and learn from each other about moving, living and thriving abroad.
IRL Meet-ups
We have also begun forming real life meet-ups in cities around the world. See our IRL meet-ups so far.
If you are an LGBTQ+ expat living abroad, and you want to help host a Queer Expats Worldwide Meet-up, please get in touch with our team at Rainbow Relocation Strategies.
We’ll help to sponsor and host the meet-up if you find the venue and help invite the queers!
Email to connect!