About Rainbow Relocation

We are the world’s first and only LGBTQ+ focused expat organization. We empower queer folks and their families to move, live and thrive abroad through our work with individual expats and leaders within the global mobility industry.

The mission:
Our mission: To help LGBTQ+ folks, their families and other non-traditional expats find the freedom to move, live and thrive abroad. We are passionate about making relocation accessible for queer and other non-traditional expats. In our vision of the world, anyone who desires to live abroad can find a way to do so - and thrive.

  • Freedom to Move: Through our International Relocation Strategy process, we help individuals figure out how to relocate to diversity-safe countries that have visas that match your personal and professional goals.

  • Freedom to Live: Through our Rainbow Relocation Network, we provide information and connections to relocation consultants and third party vendors who can assist you to find real estate, schooling, career / job search, and more to create a life for yourself abroad.

  • Freedom to Thrive: Through our expat consulting services based on our trademarked Five Freedoms Framework method, we help you learn how to fit in, handle challenges, and build a successful life in your new country.

Why Rainbow, Why Now?
For too long, queer and non-majority individuals have not been represented in the world of expat relocation, whether that be due to being left out of high-level leadership positionsn traditionally offered relcoation packages, or lack of representation in media and culture (google ‘successful expat’ and you most likely will find images of wealthy white western men and their wealthy white western wives frolicking freely on the beach.)

That’s a post-colonial idea of expatriate life that no longer works for us.

At Rainbow Relocation, we want to tear down all the walls and barriers - in our mind as well as in the flow of information - that might keep queer folks from living and thriving abroad.

From our deepest hearts, we believe that if everyone would live abroad at least once and experience the world through different lenses, learning to communicate with people from different backgrounds and cultures, the world would a more peaceful place.

That is our mission at Rainbow Relocation Strategies - to create safe, fulfilling experiences where LGBTQ+ and non-majority expats can live freely and openly abroad.

We’ll help to get you there.

Who do we work with?

Individuals who want to:
Seek adventure
Find a safe space for you or your kids to be themselves.
Escape toxic politics
Experience affordable healthcare
Optimize your future for climate change
Find better job opportunities
Live a life focused less on consumption and capitalism

Corporate Global Mobility Industry:
Consulting, workshops, presentations and content analysis and creation for Corporate Global Mobility teams, global relocation consultants, remote work employees and others within the GM industry.

The Founder

Jessica Drucker

Founder Jess Drucker is an international LGBTQ+ relocation strategist. Using her own experience of 15 years living abroad as an LGBTQ+ expat, Jess works one-on-one with queer folks and their families helping them to move, live, and thrive abroad. She also leads corporate client workshops to help relocation professionals create welcoming LGBTQ+ expat assignment experiences.

Jess is the author of the book How To Move Abroad And Why It’s the Best Thing You’ll Do, host and producer of the Adventure Calls podcast, and executive editor of an annual Global Relocation Guide.

Jess most enjoys:

Working with individuals who finally decide to STOP dreaming and start taking action toward a life abroad. Nothing is more thrilling for Jess than that moment in a future expat’s life when they realize… I can actually DO this. Millions of people live abroad and I can be one of them!

Jess now lives in New Jersey with her wife, two young kids and the family pug.

Michele Bar-Pereg

Michele Bar-Pereg has reached the highest levels of the relocation industry in her 40+ year career. She founded and sold three major relocation companies, and was President of EuRA European Relocation Association for 8 years.

Michele has managed incredibly complex, large scale moves across the world, including 200 personnel plus for Sony Europe Supporting European Space Agency. Today, she is proud to put this expertise to use in expanding the conversation and creating the support network for LGBTQ+ and underrepresented minorities in global relocation.

Michele is British, and has been married to her Israeli husband for over 45 years. They live together in Amsterdam, and her and her children and grandchildren live nearby.

Michele most enjoys:

Providing spousal and family support including housing, schooling and trailing spouse opportunities, and matchmaking: if you need it, she’ll find the person who can get it done for you.